Monday 9 June 2014

First shoot!! ☁ᕙ(`▽´)ᕗ

Hi dear readers! 
i had my first digital photography lesson last Tuesday. I havent get my camera that day, but i have to finish my assignment that week.
Luckily at last i successfully borrow a Nikon D5100 from one of my senior , even though he is not really willing to lend it to me XD

so i took a few closed up photo of the plants near my house.
Photo by: Lee Yeh Hwan
Camera: Nikon D5100
Photo by: Lee Yeh Hwan
Camera: Nikon D5100
Photo by: Lee Yeh Hwan
Camera: Nikon D5100
Because of lack of photographing skills, and there has no any unique or beautiful plants near my house, these are the best photos i can get
As expected, ms su didnt satisfy what i have and "advised" me to reshooooottttt!!!

Taman Tasik Titiwangsa 6/6/14
Photo by: Lee Yeh Hwan
Camera: Nikon D5100

Photo by: Lee Yeh Hwan
Camera: Nikon D5100

Photo by: Lee Yeh Hwan
Camera: Nikon D5100

So these is the best photo i get that day, after my photo get rejected then i go straight to TTTW a place you can rest your soul. 
In the first two photo, i'm trying to capture the beauty of the landscape they have there and work on the composition to make the whole photo look visually balance
While the last photo is the photo I like the most of that day even the focusing looks bad but the composition of the photo is interesting

This shooting experience not only improved my photographing skills, but it also makes me think. 
We are just like the puppet of the society,  we rush and rush and rush to finish our work but at the end of the day, we forgot what we want and who we are.
How long have you been losing yourself at the black hole of society?  
have you ever realise that Nature has a natural healing effect?
Sometimes what we really need is to give ourselves a break, enjoy the nature, going on a vacation. after all, beauty of nature is always free of charge !!

Photo by: Lee Yeh Hwan
Camera: Nikon D5100

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