Wednesday 4 June 2014

Review for : New Food Shop Graphics

Hi dear readers! Went to library of my uni few days ago, i came across this beautiful book of New Food Shop Graphics 2009 which printed in Japan.It is a book that collected most of the beautiful graphic of food shop in Japan. I straight away fell in love with the design introduced in the book from the first time I flipped through the book!
The logos, interior, product, cutlery, brochure, gift bag and name cards design idea are so impressive that I decided to lead it back and take a serious look on it.

Firstly, the logos:

Logos always symbolize the image of a company, it helps the public to recognize the symbol of a company.
Below are the logos design that I found interesting:

Look how elegant and nice the logo of Mews
Mews of Mayfair  (New Food Shop Graphics, 2009)
Cocktail Lounge Restaurant

 Logo of Chocolatier Palet D'or shows special and elegant.
Chocolatier Palet D'or  (New Food Shop Graphics, 2009)

A nice and complicated logo from Ousama
Ousama Karano gohobi  (New Food Shop Graphics, 2009)
Cake shop

How you produce a simple yet complicated logo?
cote cour  (New Food Shop Graphics, 2009)
Chocolate brownie shop

The packaging/ product/ gift bag/ brochure

The packaging of a product most of the time attract the customers to try on your product, therefore the packaging design of a product is very important to help your product to stand out from all the competitor.

Soft and subtle theme from L'abeille honey shop utilizing the beauty of honey
L'abeille  (New Food Shop Graphics, 2009)
Honey shop

Friendly and cute illustration for various tool is the concept of this Original Joe's Italian restaurant. I really like cute cartoon concept, they attracted the attentions of youngster and make them the potential group consumer.

Original Joe's (New Food Shop Graphics, 2009)
Italian restaurant

Last but not least, Tokyo Bar that uses manga as their theme of the bar. I like their match boxes a lot!
Tokyo Bar (New Food Shop Graphics, 2009)

Japanese impressive design idea and creativity never stop amazed me. Sometime, we just have to keep our design simple and nice, just like life. We are not live to impress others, we live life lively; the way we want; the simplest way of life.

EVERY PHOTO IN THIS POST IS CREDIT TO : (New Food Shop Graphics, 2009)


New Food Shop Graphics. (2009). tokyo: PIE BOOKS.

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