Sunday 10 August 2014

practice make perfect

Hi readers~! Last Sunday I had had my photo shooting at the butterfly park at KL. Even though it is not a good day for photo shooting because of the haze , however it is a good experience and practice to photo shooting.
Photographer: Lee Yeh Hwan
 Camera: Canon 700D

And if you still remember this photo that in my older post, I had posted my first photography shooting using camera Nikon D5100 

Then in this photo shooting, I try to re-shoot this type of photo again and guess what I got?

 Tadaaa!! I personally like this photo so much. You can actually see some rainbow colour layer around the sun ray strike. When you compare these two photo, they are totally in two difference level. Looks like, after few weeks of practices and exercises, I had brushed up my photo shooting skill.

"Practice make perfect"this phase has always been my inspiration, we all know that practice can improve your skill in almost everything. Even if you have a creative idea to produce a product, but if lack of skill and experience to work on it, your work will filed to impress your idea. Keep on practice gives you experience and through these experiences, your skills and ability will rises.

In a nutshell, Creative idea isn't enough, you need certain level of experience and skill to produce a creative product and these can be done by never stop trying.

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