Sunday 24 August 2014

Product inspiration

Hi readers~!
In my CCD project, I had gain my inspiration from a soft toy bear named Bridestowe lavender bear.
What so special about this toy bear is that it has lavender scent with it. This is because these bear have real organic dried lavender inside them. In another word, this soft toy bear not only look nice and hug-able but also have aromatherapy ability.

With this idea, I'd like to elaborate it further by adding a few other choices of scent such as lily, jasmine, lemon grass, and rose. These flower respectively have different function in aromatherapy, therefore, with expanded choices of flower to attract customers with different needs. Besides that, different flower can also gives different colour choices of the toy bear, for example, bear with dried lavender are purple in colour, rose ae pink, lemon grass are yellow, lily are beige and etc.

As a conclusion, with a little bit of reative idea and different choices of product will increase our target group and therefore increase our product sales.

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