Monday 11 August 2014

The Movie

Whenever I feel like lack of idea to design, I'd like to watch a movie to give me inspiration.
This is because it will temporary blank out my thought and give me spaces to reconstruct my thought.

Recently, I watch a movie named Dawn of the planet of the apes, and I think that it is one of the best movie of the year.
In this movie, personified apes are the main the character, these apes talk, walk, feel, think, and even know how to use a riffle. It also give awareness to the public that we must not harm any life in this planet, because who knows, maybe one day humans are not anymore the smartest animal in this world, and these animal will take revenge on us.

Humans biggest weakness is greedy. We will sacrifice anything that is necessary just to gain what we want. We chopped down the tree to make paper. We killed animals to produce luxury leather shoes. We just destroy the earth to get what we want.

This movie sent me a lot of messages, in the future, my designs will always be eco-friendly, and against any activity that will harm others living thing in this world.

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