Monday 25 August 2014


Whenever I'm lack of design idea, PEOPLE are always the best source of inspiration.
I like to ask suggestion from others, even though I will consider others' opinion, but on the other hand, I will never lost my style in design. For me, as a designer, you should have your own style of design, no matter what concept you are working on. 
I like to ask opinion from different people such as my course mate, who eventually has a better professional ability in giving opinion, and also my family. I trusted my family, so I believe that they will tell the truth of everything regarding my design whether it was bad what are the improvment have to be done.

Final photo

Hi readers~!
My second trimester as a graphic design student has almost come to an end, therefore alot of final project are waiting for me to submit.
Honestly, I'm not satisfied with my exam result, especially my digital photography result. It was bad.
The final project is the last chance for me to get an A for this subject. 
Therefore, I had choose an interesting subject matter, temple.
Hopefully these photo were able to improve my GPA #prayhard
Chinese temple
Photographer: Lee Yeh Hwan
Camera: Canon 700D

Hindu temple
Photographer: Lee Yeh Hwan
Camera: Canon 700D

Sunday 24 August 2014

Rilakkuma リラックマ

Hi readers~!
Have you all ever heard about Rilakkuma? Rilakkuma is a popular soft toy character created by San-X company.

Rilakkuma is a term with combination of rilak-relax and kuma-bear in Japanese. This mean the character has a characteristic which is lazy and relax.

Somehow, this character inspired me for my mascot in my CCD project. The product I'm working on is a aromatherapy soft toy bear (which is I had mentioned on my previous post), therefore, the concept of my mascot should by cute and relaxation. Rilakkuma has always been my favorite character since the first time I saw it two years ago. The colour used and the proportion of the character in such a way suggested my mascot relax and calmful appearance.
Well, this is how it looks like originally by me.

Product inspiration

Hi readers~!
In my CCD project, I had gain my inspiration from a soft toy bear named Bridestowe lavender bear.
What so special about this toy bear is that it has lavender scent with it. This is because these bear have real organic dried lavender inside them. In another word, this soft toy bear not only look nice and hug-able but also have aromatherapy ability.

With this idea, I'd like to elaborate it further by adding a few other choices of scent such as lily, jasmine, lemon grass, and rose. These flower respectively have different function in aromatherapy, therefore, with expanded choices of flower to attract customers with different needs. Besides that, different flower can also gives different colour choices of the toy bear, for example, bear with dried lavender are purple in colour, rose ae pink, lemon grass are yellow, lily are beige and etc.

As a conclusion, with a little bit of reative idea and different choices of product will increase our target group and therefore increase our product sales.

Sunday 17 August 2014

Vampire's diaries

Dear diary,..
The vampire diaries is a hit drama since it was released, I am one of the biggest fans of TVD out there.
The main reason I love this drama so much of cause is because of their wonderful character and unpredictable story. But something very special about this drama is that the mysterious feeling created lively shown through the drama.

I had mention about my storyboard assignment on my previous post, The Secret Agent. Well, the story was actually inspired by the character from TVD.

There are several scene in the drama where they have the masquerade party.
It was covered by mysterious atmosphere, meanwhile visually attractive.

So, it inspired me to come out with the scene where the character of my story to appear at a masquerade ball. Then he meet the beautiful girl in the ball.

Tuesday 12 August 2014

In the CUBE

If you're told to produce a 3D model that will represent you, what kind of design it will be?
I know you're special, no one in this world will ever replace you, but can u spell out what is so special about you specifically?

To do so, I had socked myself into brainstorming questions like this: 
What'd I like?
What is important to me?
What food, what colour, what style?
Who I like?
Who am I?
Yes, with a bunch of Wh-words question, fortunately,at the end I can roughly figured out what is so special about me.

My most important part of life are my family. My father and mother treated me like I'm their princess, but don't take my words wrong, they never spoiled me, when I was a girl, I used to think that they love my brother and sister more instead of loving me, but until I grow up, I can tell that their love for me had never been apart, their love are selfless. So I would like to say in their eyes, I shine bright like a diamond.
Therefore, I'd like the 3D model to be in diamond shape.

I've been told like millions of time that, the first time when people saw me, my first impression for them is that I am so skinny. I was an underweight kid throughout my whole childhood until today an underweight adult, can't blame me that because it was my family inheritance. So a good material to represent me? Satay stick is the best choice I think.

At the center of the diamond I will hang three important thing in my life.
Home, love and knowledge.

Monday 11 August 2014

mind mapping

Hi readers~! Today I would like to share my way to brainstorm my idea.

Like any other students, I like to use mind maps to brainstorm my ideas. These are some example of my mind map.

As you can see, these mind map were strainght away drawn randomly using artline pen. It is not necessary to use an artline pen to do this, but im just kinda comfortable that way.

Mind map helps me to organised my idea. Sometimes, your had too much of ideas but they are just flying all over inside your head make you to do a harder decision. Well, mind map is here to help! All you have to do is just grab a pen and paper and write down anything that is in your head into a mind map. At the end, you just have to choose the idea with much potential in this paper.

I have always use this method in my design, and incredibly, this method not only helped my to organised my idea but further inspired me to think of other creative ideas.

Let's grab your favorite pen and a paper and let your thoughts flow now!

The Movie

Whenever I feel like lack of idea to design, I'd like to watch a movie to give me inspiration.
This is because it will temporary blank out my thought and give me spaces to reconstruct my thought.

Recently, I watch a movie named Dawn of the planet of the apes, and I think that it is one of the best movie of the year.
In this movie, personified apes are the main the character, these apes talk, walk, feel, think, and even know how to use a riffle. It also give awareness to the public that we must not harm any life in this planet, because who knows, maybe one day humans are not anymore the smartest animal in this world, and these animal will take revenge on us.

Humans biggest weakness is greedy. We will sacrifice anything that is necessary just to gain what we want. We chopped down the tree to make paper. We killed animals to produce luxury leather shoes. We just destroy the earth to get what we want.

This movie sent me a lot of messages, in the future, my designs will always be eco-friendly, and against any activity that will harm others living thing in this world.

Sunday 10 August 2014

practice make perfect

Hi readers~! Last Sunday I had had my photo shooting at the butterfly park at KL. Even though it is not a good day for photo shooting because of the haze , however it is a good experience and practice to photo shooting.
Photographer: Lee Yeh Hwan
 Camera: Canon 700D

And if you still remember this photo that in my older post, I had posted my first photography shooting using camera Nikon D5100 

Then in this photo shooting, I try to re-shoot this type of photo again and guess what I got?

 Tadaaa!! I personally like this photo so much. You can actually see some rainbow colour layer around the sun ray strike. When you compare these two photo, they are totally in two difference level. Looks like, after few weeks of practices and exercises, I had brushed up my photo shooting skill.

"Practice make perfect"this phase has always been my inspiration, we all know that practice can improve your skill in almost everything. Even if you have a creative idea to produce a product, but if lack of skill and experience to work on it, your work will filed to impress your idea. Keep on practice gives you experience and through these experiences, your skills and ability will rises.

In a nutshell, Creative idea isn't enough, you need certain level of experience and skill to produce a creative product and these can be done by never stop trying.

Friday 25 July 2014

The secret agent

Drawing class assignment is to draw a tvc story board based n own group's selected product to promote or  awareness tvc.
Me and my group members had decided to go for promoting product- Samsung Galaxy S5.
Each of us have to write an individual script and choose one of it with great potential as the final script.

Before starting my script, I had done some research on Samsung S5 from internet to get inspiration.
Down below are the features of the phone which I found interesting.
  • Selective focus
  • Selective Focus allows you to focus on what’s important by blurring the background and accentuating the main subject
  • Your Finger is your key

Fingerprint security & access

Security has been upgraded and personalized. You can now
unlock your phone and make faster and more secure
payments via PayPal with the swipe of your finger.
When purchasing content with Samsung services, you can
use your fingerprint instead of entering your Samsung
account password.
  • Dust and water resistant

Made to last longer and stronger

With an IP67 certification, Galaxy S5 is resistant to sweat, rain, liquids, sand and dust, so your phone is protected for 
any activity and situation.

  • Supporting a Healthier Lifestyle

Heart Rate Sensor

Following your every beat

Galaxy S5 is the first smart phone with a built-in Heart Rate
Sensor which enables you to measure your heart rate
directly on your phone
Through these special features, I found out that this phone is no longer just a gadget of communication , but also similar to those gadget where secret agent or spies used it to accomplish their mission. Therefore I came out a script based on a secret agent using Samsung s5 to accomplish his mission to save a girl with the aids of these features of the phone. 
After discussion with my other group members and consultation with my tutor, my script had been choose as the final script which at the end of the day we have to draw it out as a story board.

As a conclusion, we have to get some general knowledge about a product or a certain event so that creative ideas and design that fit well with it can be produced .

Monday 21 July 2014

business card design for my CCD assignment

CCD is major subject for my taken course, Graphic Design and multimedia.
For the 2 part of this assignment, we were required to design a business identity for our "phantom" company which we created ourselves just for the assignment purpose.
The company I launch is a company that produces soft toy bear with natural flower scent.
i had had my logo design done
Aromi means scent in Italian 
So for the second part of the assignment, i have to come out with the business card, letter head, and envelope of this company.
To get inspiration, I socked my brain into several design book that I bought using my book voucher.
Here are some of the concept that I found from these book that I think it is suitable for my company image.
Mallard [ retail/ food and drink ] packaging
Pure living [ Aromatherapy product ] Packaging
Mallard and pure living packaging with floral and simple pattern inspired my company's basic corporate identity design to have these pattern in  my design.
Floris London [ perfume ]
This info card and the packaging of Floris London gives inspiration of making different business card with different explanation of function of the flower used in the product.

whenever I found myself lose to creativity and design, I'll always get them back by brainstorming myself through these design book that available in library or that I recently bought. Feel so happy with the outcome, you should try it yourself!

Wednesday 11 June 2014

why do u have to go and make things so complicated?

Hi readers~! On the previous post, i had mentioned that i had borrowed a Nikon D5100 from one of my senior to accomplish my homework assignment.  When i return the camera to my senior, i actually wanted him to check the camera in front of me, to make sure that i have returned every single piece of the camera to him.

Well, the thing here is that he do check the one and only part of the camera THE LENS.
when he opened the lens,he says : "Wow, u actually realised that there is a smudge of fingerprint on the lens!" 
yes, he purposely put his fingerprint on there just to test me
when i first took the camera from him, i realised that there is a smudge of fingerprint in the top of the lens, without any doubt, i just cleaned it up and wondering when did i smudge my fingerprint on it.

why do you have to go and make things so complicated?
Human psychology is a deep knowledge.
Human afraid of anything that unidentified by them, so do the unpredictable mind of another person. Humans' mind are full of thought, and even if they speak it out, who knows is it true?We liked to do what we can, to get what we want. 

life is simple, but we lived it complicated

Sometimes, we just have to go back to the innocent us. Life's nothing but a Brief Candle, make it simple, Chill It! 

Monday 9 June 2014

First shoot!! ☁ᕙ(`▽´)ᕗ

Hi dear readers! 
i had my first digital photography lesson last Tuesday. I havent get my camera that day, but i have to finish my assignment that week.
Luckily at last i successfully borrow a Nikon D5100 from one of my senior , even though he is not really willing to lend it to me XD

so i took a few closed up photo of the plants near my house.
Photo by: Lee Yeh Hwan
Camera: Nikon D5100
Photo by: Lee Yeh Hwan
Camera: Nikon D5100
Photo by: Lee Yeh Hwan
Camera: Nikon D5100
Because of lack of photographing skills, and there has no any unique or beautiful plants near my house, these are the best photos i can get
As expected, ms su didnt satisfy what i have and "advised" me to reshooooottttt!!!

Taman Tasik Titiwangsa 6/6/14
Photo by: Lee Yeh Hwan
Camera: Nikon D5100

Photo by: Lee Yeh Hwan
Camera: Nikon D5100

Photo by: Lee Yeh Hwan
Camera: Nikon D5100

So these is the best photo i get that day, after my photo get rejected then i go straight to TTTW a place you can rest your soul. 
In the first two photo, i'm trying to capture the beauty of the landscape they have there and work on the composition to make the whole photo look visually balance
While the last photo is the photo I like the most of that day even the focusing looks bad but the composition of the photo is interesting

This shooting experience not only improved my photographing skills, but it also makes me think. 
We are just like the puppet of the society,  we rush and rush and rush to finish our work but at the end of the day, we forgot what we want and who we are.
How long have you been losing yourself at the black hole of society?  
have you ever realise that Nature has a natural healing effect?
Sometimes what we really need is to give ourselves a break, enjoy the nature, going on a vacation. after all, beauty of nature is always free of charge !!

Photo by: Lee Yeh Hwan
Camera: Nikon D5100

Wednesday 4 June 2014

Review for : New Food Shop Graphics

Hi dear readers! Went to library of my uni few days ago, i came across this beautiful book of New Food Shop Graphics 2009 which printed in Japan.It is a book that collected most of the beautiful graphic of food shop in Japan. I straight away fell in love with the design introduced in the book from the first time I flipped through the book!
The logos, interior, product, cutlery, brochure, gift bag and name cards design idea are so impressive that I decided to lead it back and take a serious look on it.

Firstly, the logos:

Logos always symbolize the image of a company, it helps the public to recognize the symbol of a company.
Below are the logos design that I found interesting:

Look how elegant and nice the logo of Mews
Mews of Mayfair  (New Food Shop Graphics, 2009)
Cocktail Lounge Restaurant

 Logo of Chocolatier Palet D'or shows special and elegant.
Chocolatier Palet D'or  (New Food Shop Graphics, 2009)

A nice and complicated logo from Ousama
Ousama Karano gohobi  (New Food Shop Graphics, 2009)
Cake shop

How you produce a simple yet complicated logo?
cote cour  (New Food Shop Graphics, 2009)
Chocolate brownie shop

The packaging/ product/ gift bag/ brochure

The packaging of a product most of the time attract the customers to try on your product, therefore the packaging design of a product is very important to help your product to stand out from all the competitor.

Soft and subtle theme from L'abeille honey shop utilizing the beauty of honey
L'abeille  (New Food Shop Graphics, 2009)
Honey shop

Friendly and cute illustration for various tool is the concept of this Original Joe's Italian restaurant. I really like cute cartoon concept, they attracted the attentions of youngster and make them the potential group consumer.

Original Joe's (New Food Shop Graphics, 2009)
Italian restaurant

Last but not least, Tokyo Bar that uses manga as their theme of the bar. I like their match boxes a lot!
Tokyo Bar (New Food Shop Graphics, 2009)

Japanese impressive design idea and creativity never stop amazed me. Sometime, we just have to keep our design simple and nice, just like life. We are not live to impress others, we live life lively; the way we want; the simplest way of life.

EVERY PHOTO IN THIS POST IS CREDIT TO : (New Food Shop Graphics, 2009)


New Food Shop Graphics. (2009). tokyo: PIE BOOKS.

Monday 2 June 2014

Review on Hada Lobo's whitening products

Hi, Today I would like to do a review on Hada Labo's several products.

Hada Labo Whitening Lotion

Hada labo whitening lotion is actually a toner. It is recommended for dry to normal skin type user. The main ingredient of the product is super hyaluric acid which gives instant moisture to skin, and a soft and dewy skin. It contains no fragrance or alcohol therefore it wouldn't irritants my skin. 
This whitening lotion also contains vitamin C which is able brightens our skin tone. Therefore, it is not recommended to acne prone skin. However, it still can be used after your acne was healed to brighten your acne scar. 
Direction: Use twice a day after cleansing face. Apply on palms as gently pat onto skin until thoroughly absorbed.

Hada Labo Whitening Essences

This has been my all time favorite whitening essence. This whitening essence effectively brightens up my skin tone and gives moisture from the inside to outside of my skin.
Same like other hada labo product, it contains no fragrance  or alcohol therefore it wouldn't irritants my skin.
My skin can really absorbs the  product eventhough the product is concentrated. If you are searching for a whitening essence this is it!
Direction: Use after your toner, apply it on your palm and gently spread it thoroughly your skin and gently pat it for better absorbtion.

Hada Labo Whitening SunBlock

Hada Labo sunscreen protection lotion has a UV protection of SPF 50++ PA+++ which is about to protect your skin from UV for 8 hours.
As you can see, the texture of the product watery based, therefore it wouldn't gives you the seriously sticky outcome which everyone hate. 
This product claims to give you 4-in-1 function which is: sunscreen protector, whitening, moisturising, and as a makeup base.
i really like this product because it done a great job in protecting my skin under the sun without reapplying and the watery texture of the product wouldn't burdened my skin.
Direction: Gently shakes the emulsion before apply it on face. Use as the last step of your skin care routine, 15-20 minutes before your outdoor activities.

Sunday 1 June 2014


Hi, welcome to my blog~ I'm Lee Yeh Hwan Ellie, an ordinary girl who loves to take photos, travelling, watch drama and obsess with beauty product!
Just started my university life in UTAR PJ as a graphic design and multimedia student. I love travelling, i wish that one day i would travel to the places i like with my special someone. I enjoy watching Japanese drama a lot, my highest record is that i watched the whole drama series in just one day~
One of my interest is exploring cosmetic and skin care products~ I don't really enjoy make-up because i was just too lazy to remove it ...
So that's it for my introduction, love life and peace!